So what's up with the layout? This home page you're reasing on right now will contain a short-form blog; basically a tweet of what I've been up to or what I'm thinking.
Blogs will link to all of my blog posts, duh.
My about page will either continue to be an about page, or I'll turn it into like.. an articles page? kind of like a keep log of documents and articles I find interesting and feel like sharing.
The Projects page is going to have articles about the projects I'm working on, and links to any photos or videos that I collect for it.
Make sure to add me on my socials in the bottom left if you want to get in touch about anything!
You'd be suprised how easy it is to remove yourself from the main web once you pull the plug. You think you'd miss it, but what you're missing is the slow drip feed of nonsense.
Yeah, I've still got my discord open, but I've almost entirely removed myself from big socials that did nothing but waste my time.